Six open Research Topics in Frontiers in Pediatric Psychology: Call for papers
The following Research Topics are currently open for submission in Frontiers in Pediatric Psychology, a new specialty journal launched in December 2021 (Impact Factor = 4.232; Q1):
Telehealth Assessment and Intervention in Pediatric Psychology
Editors | Serena Grumi, Sari Ahlqvist-Bjorkroth
Deadline | July, 31 2022
The Importance of the Body-Mind Relationship in Mental Functioning and Development of Body-Focused Disorders in Adolescence
Editors | Stefania Cella, Paolo Cotrufo, David Le Breton
Deadline | August, 31 2022
Risk and Protective Factors, Family Environment and (A)typical Neurodevelopmental Outcomes
Editors | Valentina Riva, Giorgia Bussu, Livio Provenzi
Deadline | September, 30 2022
Mental Health in Children and Adolescents with a Refugee Background
Editors | Elisa Pfeiffer, Ilse Derluyn, Cedric Sachser
Deadline | December, 7 2023
New Approaches to Study the Social Brain in Paediatric Populations
Editors | Gabriela Markova, Isabelle Mueller, Bradley Ferguson
Deadline | December, 31 2022
The Changed Life: How COVID-19 Affected People's Psychological Well-being, feelings, thoughts, behavior, relations, language, and communication
Editors | Ramona Bongelli, Alessandra Fermani, Daniela Raccanello, Rob Hall, Ilaria Riccioni, Morena Muzi, Roberto Burro
Deadline | January, 26 2023