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A dedicated international daddy survey during Covid-19 emergency: How was your experience?

Updated: Mar 11, 2021

An International group of researchers - FINESSE, Fathers in Neonatal Environment, Supporting Salubrious Experiences - is promoting a survey on the experiences of fathers during the Covid-19 emergency. The study is leaded by dr. Esther Adama, Edith Cowan University, Australia and further engages researchers from Europe (Minesh Khashu, Edwin van Teijlingen, Jillian Ireland, UK; Flora Koliouli, France; Betty Nørgaard, Denmark; Birgitta Lindberg, Sweden; myself, Italy), Canada (Nancy Feeley) and USA (Craig Garfield). These researchers are active members of the FINESSE group which has scientific interest in promoting sensitivity and awareness about the fathers' themes in neonatal care. Please, find publications from this group here and here.

If you are a father who had his baby born during the Covid-19 emergency, please access the survey at this link. You can complete the survey in English, Italian or French. Other languages may be implemented in the next future.

Thanks for your support,

On behalf of the FINESSE group!


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